One thing I love about our school is it's setting. Our classroom doors open into a wooded area, and a playground. The kids have ample time to play, explore and create in these woods each day. Outside time and free time are a valued part of the "curriculum." Last year, kids spent months building this dug out, and used branches that fell from a storm to create a very solid roof. They often had shovels, saws and other tools out to aid in the building of their structure. Every child in the class became involved in some way. Kids from other classes also helped. While building the fort, the kids worked out social conflicts as they arose, discovered the downside of clubs, and also reinacted one of our read alouds, "Holes" by Luis Sachar. The children began to use nicknames, as the children in the book did, and we extended this to our classwork, as they wrote acrostic poems with the names, and the story of how each of them chose a name, or was given a name by the group.
Ah, Legos! While not a staple in most 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade classes, this was the choice activity for many kids in my class. Any chance they got, the lego bin was open. We have 3 choice times daily, which end up being well over an hour a day. These times can be spent indoors or out. It is quite unusual these days, to be given this much "play" time in school. Because the interest in legos was so intense this year, I ended up introducing a unit we called, "Small World." I introduced an economy system, and the students created a lego character, business and created a family with a group. Using the economy, we opened the market, and students sold goods and services for their lego people. Aside from simply being a math investigation, this became a social studies project, as we examined the larger context of what makes a society just. We looked at the economy of Small World and talked about economics, scarcity, supply and demand as well as capitalism, communism and socialism. Students debated which system would work best for Small World. After seeing the play “Goin’ Someplace Special,” which was about segregation, we worked on creating ways for Small World to have as much equality as possible. Students discussed ways of making it a fair society so that everyone was included, and had enough of what they needed.
We use the TERC Investigations math curriculum, but each teacher supplements quite a lot. I like the program for our school because it allows us to extend each investigation due to it's open endedness. For example, we were using the book from the 3rd grade curriculum called "From Paces to Feet" which focuses on measurement. A child brought in a 'life size' poster of 6'8" Mariner's player, Richie Sexton. This was quite intriguing to the students. Each child was measured by a partner and compared their height to his (addition/subtraction.) Because he is so tall, this peaked more interest in height. We found the average height of the children in our classroom, the polled and found the height of other kids the same age in our school. We found the mean, median, mode and average height for a 7, 8 and 9 year old at our school. The Guiness Book of World Records is an all-time favorite in our class. We found the heights of the smallest and tallest men and women in the book. The children then compared their height to those people. An activity in the curriculum asks the kids to measure their feet, and their parents feet. It also has them look at the feet of a person in the record book. We read that Matthew McGrory (2005) had the largest feet, and was known to spend $20,000 on a pair of shoes. As an art project, we designed life sized shoes for him. We were going to send him a letter, but unfortunately found that he had passed away. Ironically, this happened the year before as well, and since I keep kids for 2 years, they remembered this well. A boy declared, "This class is cursed! It must be because we learn cursive!"
Literacy is taught through reading and writer's workshop. It is quite individualized. Reading is done mostly with SSR (self-selected reading) and I conference with the kids each week, or more often, since I have a small class. This is a picture of a student reading with her book buddy. Book buddies are from a 4-5 class (pre-K) and they would come once a week. They read books the buddies picked out, books they had practiced for fluency, and books they had written themselves. Sometimes, we also enjoyed a read aloud together. In addition to SSR and book buddies, the class also read several books together throughout the year in whole group guided reading. In Writer's Workshop, the kids write for about 35 minutes a day, and can write on any topic of their choice. We edit, revise and publish books.